Pete's Percussion Podcast: Episode 405 - Mary Emmons (Part 1)

Recent graduate of the University of Missouri Master’s Degree in Percussion Performance Mary Emmons stops by to talk about some of the literature she got to play during her time at Mizzou (03:05), her graduate assistantship responsibilities as percussion teaching assistant (18:35), her individual cohort members that she did her degree with (31:10), and growing up in Selmer, TN, slugburgers at Pat’s Café, and percussion being (somewhat) the family business (54:15).

Finishing with a Rave on Naomi Klein’s 2023 book Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World (01:16:00).

Mary Emmons links:

Mary Emmons’ website

Other Podcast Guests Mentioned:

Sarah Hasekamp in 2024

Miles Bohlman in 2024

Megan Arns in 2017

Julia Gaines in 2016

Evan Chapman in 2019

Caleb Pickering in 2022

Jeremiah Ingram in 2023

Dan Piccolo in 2020

Other Links:

“See Ya Thursday” - Steve Mackey

“Monkey Chant” - Glenn Kotche

“Glymur” - Evan Chapman

“Non-Prophets” - Caleb Pickering

“Particle Wave” - Kirsten Volness

Utku Asuroglu

“Two Movements for Marimba” - Toshimitsu Tanaka

“Time for Marimba” - Minoru Miki

“Planet Damnation” - John Psathas

“The Spirit & The Dust” - Dinuk Wijeratne


Brady Spitz

Mitchell Peters

Pat’s Cafe - Selmer, TN


Doppelganger - Naomi Klein