Pete's Percussion Podcast: Episode 396 - 2nd ABOP in LA, 2024

The Alliance of Black Orchestral Percussionists (ABOP) is having their 2nd annual “ABOP in L.A.” event starting this weekend, May 26 – 31, 2024!  ABOP Co-Founder and Mentor Douglas Cardwell stops by along with his ABOP Protégé Torrance Buntyn Jr. to discuss the origins of ABOP and how the mentorship program works (03:35), the first ever ABOP in L.A. last year (12:10), the experience of being an African American in the arts (19:10), stories about auditioning for orchestral positions (26:10), the reason for ABOP’s existence and getting away from the gatekeeping of information from previous generations and populations (42:30), and the events of the 2024 ABOP in L.A. (51:30).

Please support ABOP!


Alliance of Black Orchestral Percussionists webpage

Douglas Cardwell’s website

Torrance Buntyn Jr.’s website

Douglas Cardwell on the podcast in 2019

Raynor Carroll on the podcast in 2023

Jauvon Gilliam on the podcast in 2019

Josh Jones on the podcast in 2020